Austin Revisited: A Day in San Antonio

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A view of the gardens within the Alamo grounds.

Ok, so this is San Antonio, not Austin, but we decided to take a day trip there because it's so close... and really, we were running out of other things to do and shopping was not on Barbi or I's Austin Bucket List. 

San Antonio is just over an hour from Austin, so an easy drive and I thought it'd totally be worth it. Well... I'm not sure if I can say that it was. It was nice to see the Alamo, to say that I've seen it, but it's not much really. A large portion of the space is the gift shop! The mission was cool, but you couldn't shoot photos or do anything inside, you couldn't even touch the walls - wth? Not sure what the issue was, but, well, there you are. ;)

The grounds were pretty and they have posters up explaining the history, but after you did that there was nothing left. It sits smack in the middle of downtown San Antonio, which itself isn't much to speak about. I feel kinda bad saying this, but San Antonio is a pretty ugly town. It feels much dryer (not so green) as Austin, definitely not as pretty or clean, and much older (run-down). Sad. 

On a good note though, they've built up a Riverfront area in another section of the city that is actually very nice. Sort of Disney-esque, but nicely done. It's really just a canal that runs a couple of miles
through the city and it is lined with restaurants and shops and condos and full of cute walking bridges, fountains, river taxis, and ducks. I honestly wish this riverfront area was in Austin, it feels like it should be in Austin instead of San Antonio!

The mission at the Alamo.

The Riverwalk.

Another shot of the Riverwalk. We ate lunch in one of the restaurants along the way; ok food, great ambiance!


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